Tag: prayer

And even if the demons are strong as mighty mountains, they are burned up by prayer, like wax by fire. – St. Macarius the Great . . #prayer #bewatchfulforyourenemy #dailyreadings #coptic #bevigilant

And even if the demons are strong as mighty mountains, they are burned up by prayer, like wax by fire. – St. Macarius the Great . . #prayer #bewatchfulforyourenemy #dailyreadings #coptic #bevigilant

Pierce our souls with Your love, that ever contemplating You, being enlightened by You, and discerning You, the unapproachable and everlasting Light, we may unceasingly render confession and gratitude to You: The eternal Father, with Your Only-Begotten Son, and with Your All-Holy, Gracious, and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. – St Basil the Great . . #pierceoursoulswithyourlove #prayer #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #abideinhim #abideinlove

Pierce our souls with Your love, that ever contemplating You, being enlightened by You, and discerning You, the unapproachable and everlasting Light, we may unceasingly render confession and gratitude to You: The eternal Father, with Your Only-Begotten Son, and with Your All-Holy, Gracious, and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. …

If you have companionship with pleasant people and you visited those who have wisdom, you would gain a lot of their habits and good deeds. How much would you gain from visiting God… who would get close to a fire and not feel it’s heat?! Through prayer your mind would be enlightened, your heart would be cured and your conscience would be cleared. – Pope Kyrillos . . #looktoHim #webecomewhatwesee #prayer #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #holy50days

If you have companionship with pleasant people and you visited those who have wisdom, you would gain a lot of their habits and good deeds. How much would you gain from visiting God… who would get close to a fire and not feel it’s heat?! Through prayer your mind would be enlightened, your heart would …

“The incessant invocation of God’s name, is a medicine which mortifies not just the passions, but even their influence. Just as the physician puts medications or dressings on a wound that it might be healed, without the patient even knowing the manner of their operation, so also the name of God, when we invoke it, mortifies all passions, though we do not know how that happens.” St Barsanuphius the Great #prayer #Jesusprayer #fasting #Lent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“The incessant invocation of God’s name, is a medicine which mortifies not just the passions, but even their influence. Just as the physician puts medications or dressings on a wound that it might be healed, without the patient even knowing the manner of their operation, so also the name of God, when we invoke it, …