Tag: ourfather

“No human being can take God as his Father unless he takes the Church as his mother.” – St. Cyprian #copticorthodox #dailyreading #ourfather #coptic #christianity

“No human being can take God as his Father unless he takes the Church as his mother.” – St. Cyprian #copticorthodox #dailyreading #ourfather #coptic #christianity

“The Saviour of all very wisely grants us to call God – Father, that we, knowing well that we are sons of God, may behave in a manner worthy of him who has honoured us. He will then receive the supplications that we offer in Christ.” ~ St. Cyril of Alexandria #prayer #theLordsprayer #ourFather #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #apostlesfast

“The Saviour of all very wisely grants us to call God – Father, that we, knowing well that we are sons of God, may behave in a manner worthy of him who has honoured us. He will then receive the supplications that we offer in Christ.” ~ St. Cyril of Alexandria #prayer #theLordsprayer #ourFather #dailyreadings …

“True repentance is a human longing for the origin from which we were taken. It is the desire of a heart that strayed from God, and finally felt it could go no further away.” H.H Pope Shenouda III #ThereturnoftheProdigalSon #TheProdigalSon #repentance #OurFather #renewal #thirdSundayofLent #Lent #fasting #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“True repentance is a human longing for the origin from which we were taken. It is the desire of a heart that strayed from God, and finally felt it could go no further away.” H.H Pope Shenouda III #ThereturnoftheProdigalSon #TheProdigalSon #repentance #OurFather #renewal #thirdSundayofLent #Lent #fasting #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox