Reveal yourself to Him, who knows you… so that He would reveal Himself to you, who do not know Him- St Augustine . . #repent #turntoHim #wholeheartedly #withtears #revealyourselftohim #drawneartohim #hewilldrawneartoyou #confess #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #fasting #lent #orthodox
The rays of the Word are eternally prepared to shine, as long as the windows of the soul are open through the simple faith. – St. Hilary, bishop of Poitier . . #theword #orthodoxy #coptic #dailyreadings #holybible #light #simplicity
You Yourself care for my footsteps and my ways day and night, watching all my paths, never forsaking me. I can say that You may probably forget heaven and earth, with all that are in and on them, concentrating Your care on me! You watch on me, as though you forgot the whole creation! You …
Why are we living? Why are we breathing? What would it be for us, if we fail to behold our Lord? If those who cannot see the light of the sun count life as being worse than death, so what would it be for those who are deprived of beholding the light of the Lord? …
“He exhorted them to acquire humility and simplicity, demonstrating in that child, purity from jealousy, from vain glory, and from love of authority” – St John Chrysostom . “I shed tears when I see myself sitting on a chair higher than those of others and when I get more respect than they do” – St …