Tag: orthodoxy

Reveal yourself to Him, who knows you… so that He would reveal Himself to you, who do not know Him- St Augustine . . #repent #turntoHim #wholeheartedly #withtears #revealyourselftohim #drawneartohim #hewilldrawneartoyou #confess #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #fasting #lent #orthodox

Reveal yourself to Him, who knows you… so that He would reveal Himself to you, who do not know Him- St Augustine . . #repent #turntoHim #wholeheartedly #withtears #revealyourselftohim #drawneartohim #hewilldrawneartoyou #confess #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #fasting #lent #orthodox

The rays of the Word are eternally prepared to shine, as long as the windows of the soul are open through the simple faith. – St. Hilary, bishop of Poitier . . #theword #orthodoxy #coptic #dailyreadings #holybible #light #simplicity

The rays of the Word are eternally prepared to shine, as long as the windows of the soul are open through the simple faith. – St. Hilary, bishop of Poitier . . #theword #orthodoxy #coptic #dailyreadings #holybible #light #simplicity

“He exhorted them to acquire humility and simplicity, demonstrating in that child, purity from jealousy, from vain glory, and from love of authority” – St John Chrysostom . “I shed tears when I see myself sitting on a chair higher than those of others and when I get more respect than they do” – St John Chrysostom #humility #children #coptic #dailyreadings #holybible #orthodoxy

“He exhorted them to acquire humility and simplicity, demonstrating in that child, purity from jealousy, from vain glory, and from love of authority” – St John Chrysostom . “I shed tears when I see myself sitting on a chair higher than those of others and when I get more respect than they do” – St …