For this death is not death, but only a kind of emigration and translation from the worse to the better, from earth to heaven, from men to angels, and archangels, and Him who is the Lord of angels and archangels. – St John Chrysostom . . #hope #comfort #heaven #life #beingwithhimforever #nomoretears #nomoresorrow #home #dailyreadings …
When sickness or troubles surround a child, his father and mother show more love to him and give him more attention; likewise, when tribulations surround a believer, God and the church are more compassionate toward him. – Fr Tadros Malaty . . #suffering #faithfulGod #compassion #heknows #hehears #hesees the #troubles #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #lent #lentjourney
The person who loves God cannot help loving every man as himself – St Maximus the Confessor . . #popeshenoudaiii #hisholiness #popeshenouda #godslovewasperfectedinhim #intercedeforusfather #love #loveoneanother #lovegod #abideinlove #godislove #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #lent #lentjourney
Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness… Prayer is a refuge for those who are shaken, an anchor for those tossed by waves, a walking stick for the infirm, a treasure house for the poor, a stronghold for the rich, …
Nothing brings the heart back to wisdom like sorrow; and nothing is sweeter than the pious sorrow. – St Gregory of Nyssa . . #godlysorrow #repent #forgiveness #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #lent