Perhaps according to the scale of human beings you are lost, but according to the scale of God you are a wonderful human being – H.H Pope Shenouda lll . . #Godlovesyou #itdoesntmatterwhatpeoplethink #wepleaseGod #notman #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox
Sow love even in places that are dry. Water it with your patience and enduring hope and leave it to the Lord to make it grow- H.H Pope Shenouda lll . #lovedeeply #lovefervently #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #orthodoxy
The believer through hope sees that which others do not see – H.H. Pope Shenouda lll . . #lookatHim #seeHimbeforeall #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #holybible #orthodoxy
“God of life, turn our eyes to where the skies are full of promises” – St. Augustine . . #prayer #Hisearsareopen #Heiswatching #Heislistening #Godspromises #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #holybible #orthodoxy #copticorthodox
Those who have learned to sing with the psalms are easily filled with the Holy Spirit. St John Chrysostom . . #Rejoice #praisehim #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy