Tag: orthodoxy

Nothing will happen to you other than what God wills so fear not you are in His hands- H.H Pope Kyrillos . . #trust #unknownpath #knownbyGod #inHishands #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox

Nothing will happen to you other than what God wills so fear not you are in His hands- H.H Pope Kyrillos . . #trust #unknownpath #knownbyGod #inHishands #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox

St Macarius the Great- A brother once came to St Macarius and said to him, “Master, speak some word of exhortation to me, that, obeying it, I may be saved.” St. Macarius answered him, “Go to the tombs and attack the dead with insults.” The brother wondered at the word. Nevertheless he went, as he was bidden, and cast stones at the tombs, railing upon the dead. Then returning, he told what he had done. Macarius asked him, “Did the dead notice what you did?” And he replied, “They did not notice me.” “Go, then, again,” said Macarius, “and this time praise them.” The brother, wondering yet more, went and praised the dead, calling them just men, apostles, saints. Returning, he told what he had done, saying, “I have praised the dead.” Macarius asked him, “Did they reply to you?” And he said, “They did not reply to me.” Then said Macarius, “You know what insults you have heaped on them and with what praises you have flattered them, and yet they never spoke to you. If you desire salvation, you must be like these dead. You must think nothing of the wrongs men do to you, nor of the praises they offer you. Be like the dead. Thus you may be saved. . . #bearinsults #bedeadtowords #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #orthodoxy

St Macarius the Great- A brother once came to St Macarius and said to him, “Master, speak some word of exhortation to me, that, obeying it, I may be saved.” St. Macarius answered him, “Go to the tombs and attack the dead with insults.” The brother wondered at the word. Nevertheless he went, as he …

“The more we contemplate about the Cross, the greater our unity with and the deeper our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ becomes.”~ Father Pishoy Kamel #copticorthodox #churchfathers #coptic #dailyreadings #faith #orthodox #orthodoxy #cross #sonsofgod

“The more we contemplate about the Cross, the greater our unity with and the deeper our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ becomes.”~ Father Pishoy Kamel #copticorthodox #churchfathers #coptic #dailyreadings #faith #orthodox #orthodoxy #cross #sonsofgod

Let God be in your life. When you serve someone, say ‘I am serving one of God’s children, one of God’s flock, one of God’s people, one of God’s creation. It is for the sake of God that I serve him, for the sake of love that I serve him, and not because of formalities- H.H Pope Shenouda lol..#seegodinwhoyouserve #godinchildren #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox

Let God be in your life. When you serve someone, say ‘I am serving one of God’s children, one of God’s flock, one of God’s people, one of God’s creation. It is for the sake of God that I serve him, for the sake of love that I serve him, and not because of formalities- …

I would rather die and come to Jesus Christ than be king over the entire earth. Him I seek who died for us; Him I love who rose again because of us. St Ignatius of Antioch..#laydownyourlife #toHimwholaiddownHis #greatestloveofall #nativityfast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox

I would rather die and come to Jesus Christ than be king over the entire earth. Him I seek who died for us; Him I love who rose again because of us. St Ignatius of Antioch . . #laydownyourlife #toHimwholaiddownHis #greatestloveofall #nativityfast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox