God does not cease to change our shortcomings and weak will. There are people who are like water, very cold and weak. Let us bring such people into the presence of the Lord to change their will into wine, so they are no longer like water and become a source of joy for themselves and …
Detach your heart from the love of all things which can be seen, and transfer your attention to things which can not be seen – St Augustine . . #unseen #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #orthodoxy
‘Do not have Jesus Christ on your lips, and the world in your hearts.’ -St. Ignatius of Antioch . . #praisehimfromtheheart #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox
“Some people read books in order to find God. Yet there is a great book, the very appearance of created things. Look above you, look below you! Note it, read it! God whom you wish to find, never wrote that book with ink. Instead, He set before your eyes the things that He made. Can …