“The perfect person is the one who thinks continually of others, and loving others, and the good of others, and the eternal life of others, and the sanctity of others. As for his self, he places her last of all, or as the servant of all… he does not compete with others; God’s way is …
Are you fasting? Show me your fast with your works. Which works? If you see someone who is poor, show him mercy. If you see an enemy, reconcile with him. If you see a friend who is becoming successful, do not be jealous of him! If you see a beautiful woman on the street, pass …
Pray simply. Do not expect to find in your heart any remarkable gift of prayer. Consider yourself unworthy of it. Then you will find peace. Use the empty, cold dryness of your prayer as food for your humility. Repeat constantly, “I am not worthy. Lord, I am not worthy!” But say it calmly, without agitation. …
The love of God is not just proportioned to ours, but surpasses it in an indescribable manner – St John Chrysostom . . #nolovelikeHis #love #merciful #slowtoanger #gracious #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox #dailyreadings #copticorthodox