“Christ the Lord taught His disciples love before He sent them out to the ministry. He taught them the love of children…” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #churchfathers #coptic #copticorthodox #christian #christianity #bible #verse #children #heaven #matthew #gospel #liturgy #orthodox #orthodoxy #child #faith #popeshenouda
Whatever impairment Adam’s body had incurred from being goaded on by Satan, let the apostles wipe away through their sharing in the Lord’s power. And that they may fully obtain the likeness of God according to the prophecy in Genesis, they are ordered to give freely what they freely have received (Matthew 10:8). Thus a …
He was silent, and quietly endured everything… to teach us all meekness and long suffering. Let us now imitate Him. – St John Chrysostom . . #suffering #endurance #longsuffering #patienceintribulation #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy of
‘The love you offer others is what breaks the thorn of evil in them. Offer them love, love without reason.’ – HH Pope Tawadros II . . #love #offerlove #copticorthodox #orthodox #orthodoxy #coptic #dailyreadings
“In the life with God, there is nothing that is impossible; there is hope whatever the sin, whatever the hardship, and however difficult the matter may seem.” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #coptic #orthodox #orthodoxy #strength #belief #apostlesfast #dailyreadings