God does not judge the beauty of his work by the charm of the eyes and He does not form the same idea of beauty that we form. What He finds beautiful is what, in its perfection, shows all the fitness of art, and what works toward the usefulness of its purpose. So God, who …
Even if it be disease or poverty… for seen and unseen benefits… and for those which we receive against our will …but also whenever we are either in poverty, or in sicknesses, or are being insulted, then let us intensify our thanksgiving; thanksgiving, I mean, not in words, nor with the tongue, but in deeds …
“Many blessings such as health, shelter, clothing and food you have, yet you never give thanks because you consider them normal matters and take them for granted. But those that are deprived of them are aware of and feel the values of such blessings and if they obtain them, they give a heartfelt thanks. Always …
Do not say we have perished, neither despair, nor let faith with its optimistic outlook part you. Let your faith be strong, trust that God is able to make a way in the sea and that you will emerge sound – H.H Pope Shenouda lll . . #godisourstrength #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy
What, I ask, is more wonderful than the beauty of God? What thought is more pleasing and wonderful than God’s majesty? What desire is as urgent and overpowering as the desire implanted by God in a soul that is completely purified of sin and cries out in its love: I am wounded by love? The …