God’s economy is directed toward a single end in each of these lives: our salvation and good repute. Even if it is divided in two with regard to time, it is united with regard to objective. Just as at first it is winter and then it is spring, and the passage of each season has …
“Whoever approaches God and truly desires to be a partner of Christ must approach with a view to this goal, namely, to be changed and transformed from his former state and attitude and become a good and new person, harboring nothing of “the old man.” For it says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is …
If someone speaks to you harshly, hasten to prostrate before him, lest anger find a place in your heart. If someone is unfair to you, again, prostrate before him and ask for his forgiveness. – Abba Isaiah of El Eskeet . . #humility #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings
“As the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also forgive one another.” – HH Pope Shenouda . #Forgiveness #UncleanSpirit #Cured #HeWillCureUs #Troubled #HolySpirit #Luke #DailyReadings #CopticOrthodox #Coptic #Orthodox
“When you turn to God in prayer, be in your thoughts as an ant, as a serpent of the earth, like a worm, like a stuttering child. Do not speak to Him something philosophical or high-sounding, but approach Him with a child’s attitude.” St Isaac the Syrian #humbleyourselves #aslittlechildren #kingdomofheaven #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox