“They failed to learn self-control. They had already received the commandment: ―You shall not murder. They had already had been commanded to abstain from countless other offenses. They had already been urged by many and various means to keep these commandments. Yet, for all that, they did not put aside their evil ways. What did …
“Which is better? To enter the battle of chastisement for a short period of time and get wearied from carrying the heavy burdens of our equipment of war as weapons, then rejoice for we became victorious, or remain as slaves of sin forever because we did not endure for one hour?” ~ St. Jerome “Those …
“Without the Spirit it is not possible to hold the Word of God, nor can anyone without the Son, draw near to the Father, for the knowledge of the Father is the Son and the knowledge of the Son of God is through the Holy Spirit.” – St. Irenaeus of Lyons #coptic #orthodox #scripture #holyspirit …
He who loves his neighbour loves God, and he who loves God loves his own soul – Saint Anthony . . #love #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #orthodoxy
O Christ, through the prayers of the Virgin, Thy Temple, make me a temple of the Creator Spirit – St Mary of Egypt . . #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox #fastofstmary #theotokos