Tag: orthodox

“The door is narrow and the way is difficult but the city is full of lights, joy, and happiness.”- St. Macarius the Great#enterbythenarrowgate #enterintothejoyofyourLord #leadusnotintotemptation #greatlent #lent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“The door is narrow and the way is difficult but the city is full of lights, joy, and happiness.”- St. Macarius the Great #enterbythenarrowgate #enterintothejoyofyourLord #leadusnotintotemptation #greatlent #lent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“Blessed is he who in his heart constantly asks for you. From him runs life, so he be blessed! If you are sorrowful in your pleadings, you will rejoice in his presence! If you suffer so as to be able to see him with your tears and tribulations, then he will manifest his beauty inside you, and you will thus forget your sorrows.” St. John Saba #cometoChrist #Hegivesrest #Lent #fasting #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“Blessed is he who in his heart constantly asks for you. From him runs life, so he be blessed! If you are sorrowful in your pleadings, you will rejoice in his presence! If you suffer so as to be able to see him with your tears and tribulations, then he will manifest his beauty inside …

Do you deny yourself? Look at whom you have given what you denied yourself? How many poor got fulfilled by the food which you denied yourself? St Augustine..#givecheerfully #fastpraygive #considerthepoor #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #lent

Do you deny yourself? Look at whom you have given what you denied yourself? How many poor got fulfilled by the food which you denied yourself? St Augustine . . #givecheerfully #fastpraygive #considerthepoor #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #lent