“Enjoy ye all the feast of faith: Receive ye all the riches of loving-kindness. let no one bewail his poverty, for the universal kingdom has been revealed. Let no one weep for his iniquities, for pardon has shown forth from the grave. Let no one fear death, for the Savior’s death has set us free. …
“He tasted death for the sake of all; although by nature, He, Himself was the Life and resurrection. He surrounded His body with death, then by His mighty power, He treaded upon death to become the Firstfruit among the dead, and the Firstfruit of those who have fallen asleep. If the resurrection from the dead …
If we wish to understand the power of Christ’s blood, we should go back to the ancient account of its prefiguration in Egypt. Sacrifice a lamb without blemish, commanded Moses, and sprinkle its blood on your doors. If we were to ask him what he meant, and how the blood of an irrational beast could …
“Christ held Himself in His hands when He gave His Body to His disciples saying: ‘This is My Body.’ No one partakes of this Flesh before he has adored it. Recognise in this bread what hung on the cross, and in this chalice what flowed from His side.” St Augustine #TheLastSupper #ThursdayoftheCovenant #Pascha #HolyWeek #dailyreadings …
“May each person forgive the sins of his brother, and pray for other sinners. In this manner each person would wash the other person’s feet.” St Augustine #washingdisciplesfeet #forgiveness #forgiveoneanother #MaundyThursday #Liturgyofthewaters #Pascha HolyWeek #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox