Feeding the hungry is greater than raising the dead. Look at how much God gave you: take from it what you need, then what remains somebody else may need it. Present to Him the dignity that He Himself seeks from you by offering your money to the poor. – St. John Chrysostom . . #dailyreadings …
“Do you grasp the excellence of a Christian disposition? After you give your coat and your cloak, even if your enemy should wish to subject your naked body to hardships and labors, not even then, Jesus says, must you forbid him. For He would have us possess all things in common, both our bodies and …
“For many come to faith, but few are brought into the Heavenly Kingdom. And many serve God with their tongue, but turn from Him in their lives. From this we should reflect on two things. The first is that no one should presume concerning his own salvation; for though he is called to the Faith, …
Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence . – St. Augustine . . #trust #faith #mercy #coptic #dailyreadings #orthodoxy #copticorthodox
“As a spark falling into the wide sea would straightway be quenched, or would become invisible, being overwhelmed by the multitude of the waters, so also all human wickedness, when it falls into the pool of the divine fountain, is more swiftly and easily overwhelmed, and made invisible, than that spark.” St John Chrysostom #Mercy …