Afflictions for God’s sake are dearer to Him than any prayer of sacrifice- St Isaac the Syrian . . #martyr #feastofstabanoub #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy
“He who accepts denigration and dishonor for the sake of truth, walks in the path of the Apostles, having taken up the cross and just as though being bound with shackles. However, he who does not do this but undertakes to follow his heart is seduced by his mind and falls into temptation and the …
“They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented of whom the world was not worthy.” Hebrews 11:37 . “Name of pride is your name, O kinsman of Emmanuel, for you are great among all the saints, O John the Baptist. You are exalted more than the patriarchs, more honored than the prophets, …