“Because rapture in God is insatiable, the extent of one’s savoring it and partaking of spiritual blessings is the measure by which the hunger for it is increased. Such people have a fervent and unstoppable love for God.” – St Macarius the Great . . “He thirsts for your thirst, and satisfies all who wish …
“From you all things receive their purpose; God most lovely, who shapes all things in loveliness, and sets all things in their due place.” – St. Augustine #coptic #orthodox #good #love #dailyreadings
He who loves his neighbour loves God, and he who loves God loves his own soul – Saint Anthony . . #love #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #orthodoxy
“Whoever wants to talk about love has to talk about God Himself. Holy love is to resemble God, according to our ability.” ~ St. John Climacus #GodisLove #Love #StJoseph #StJosephtheCarpenter #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox