“Blessed is he who in his heart constantly asks for you. From him runs life, so he be blessed! If you are sorrowful in your pleadings, you will rejoice in his presence! If you suffer so as to be able to see him with your tears and tribulations, then he will manifest his beauty inside …
Do you deny yourself? Look at whom you have given what you denied yourself? How many poor got fulfilled by the food which you denied yourself? St Augustine . . #givecheerfully #fastpraygive #considerthepoor #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #lent
“For indeed He came to do away with the old things, and to call us to a greater country. Therefore He does all, to deliver us from things unnecessary, and from our affection for the earth…. For we were not born for this end, that we should eat and drink and be clothed, but that …
“No one could cross over this world without Christ. Those people who have Christ with them, probably go through a lot of ordeals in facing life’s troubles. Christ has dealt in this way with His disciples only to draw your attention so you are aware that no one is able to launch from this world …
“When fasting, you should fast both in body and heart; abstaining from meat, gossip and slander…The fasting tongue is better than the fasting stomach, and when the heart abstains from wrath, that is better than both.” St Pope Kyrillos VI #fasting #forgiveness #Lent #PreparationWeek #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox