“Whenever in your path you find unchanging peace, beware: you are very far from the divine paths trodden by the weary feet of the saints. For as long as you are journeying in the way to the city of the Kingdom and are drawing nigh the city of God, this will be a sign for …
‘When once you have put your hand to the plough, you must not look back. When once you stand on the housetop, you must think no more of your clothes within. To escape your Egyptian mistress, you must abandon the cloak that belongs to this world. Even Elijah, in his quick translation to heaven could …
He is faithful and unshaken, whether we say so or not. If then He is not at all injured by our denying Him, it is for nothing else than for our benefit that He desires our confession. For He abides the same, whether we deny Him or not. He cannot deny Himself, that is, His …
“The Resurrection leads to a life of righteousness and virtue as it draws man to glories of eternity and away from the perishing world.” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #resurrection #life #christian #christianity #jesus #bible #coptic #orthodox #copticorthodox #verseoftheday #life
“Many blessings such as health, shelter, clothing and food you have, yet you never give thanks because you consider them normal matters and take them for granted. But those that are deprived of them are aware of and feel the values of such blessings and if they obtain them, they give a heartfelt thanks. Always …