“By saying: “… you believe in God, believe also in Me”, the Lord intends to say that ‘all these difficulties will surely pass away since by having faith in Me and in My Father you become far more powerful than all the hardships that you will encounter. That faith will shield you from being conquered …
“For He brought Himself as a Victim and holy Sacrifice to God the Father, reconciling the world unto Himself, and bringing into kinship with Him that which had fallen away therefrom, that is, the race of man. For He is our Peace, according to the Scripture. And, indeed, our reconciliation to God could no otherwise …
“How good is He who has lifted the earth up to the heavens?! Even the twinkling planets reflect His heavenly glory as in a mirror. The hosts of apostles, martyrs, and priests also shine as glorious planets and grant light to the world.” St Ambrose #JesusChrist #Lightoftheworld #overcomesdarkness #HolyFifty #Christisrisen #TrulyHeisrisen #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Do not doubt therefore…and do not distance yourself from God’s righteousness for it is a blessing that is easy to obtain and it is granted to all without exception.” St John Chrysostom #justifiedbyHisgrace #redemption #HolyFifty #Christisrisen #TrulyHeisrisen #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Lord, turn Thou our faces away from the world by the desire of Thee, that we may see it for what it is, and no longer believe in a shadow as in truth. Fashion us anew, O Lord, and renew and give our mind zeal before death, so that in the hour of our departure …