Fasting these forty days and nights, holy Moses too merited to speak with God, to stand and stay with him and to receive the precepts of the law from his hand. For although this human condition prevented him from seeing God, yet the grace of his fasting drew him into close contact with the Divinity. …
“The door is narrow and the way is difficult but the city is full of lights, joy, and happiness.”- St. Macarius the Great #enterbythenarrowgate #enterintothejoyofyourLord #leadusnotintotemptation #greatlent #lent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Continually examine yourself and ask: Where am I now from the Lord’s commandment, ‘Be perfect…’ ?” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #beperfect #love #patience #overcomeevilwithgood #greatlent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox