“God has shown how close He is to those who are willing to endure trials for His sake, and who do not abandon virtue out of cowardice because of the suffering involved.” – St. Peter of Damaskos #copticorthodox #orthodox #dailyreading #suffering #sight #faith
“Moved by love the Apostles ran that unending race and cast on the whole world the fishhook and net of the Word to drag it up from the depths of idolatry and bring it safely home in the port of the heavenly Kingdom. Moved by love, the martyrs shed their blood that they might not …
“Seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.” – Saint Augustine . “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” – St. Augustine . . “God’s power is able to perform wonders with you, but it awaits …
He is faithful and unshaken, whether we say so or not. If then He is not at all injured by our denying Him, it is for nothing else than for our benefit that He desires our confession. For He abides the same, whether we deny Him or not. He cannot deny Himself, that is, His …
Have you ever known anyone who trusted in God and was let down? Heaven forbid! – H.H Pope Kyrillos Vl . . #trust #faith #goddirects #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #orthodoxy