A person’s clinging to heaven makes him endure persecutions on earth- H.H Pope Shenouda lll . . #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #orthodoxy #endure #bepatient He will #testify to His name, He will give you #strength and #wisdom, He will give you #eternity #heaven #godspromises
When we face something we do not expect, we should not be disturbed or collapse, but should accept it from God, who knows exactly what He is doing. He is intentionally testing our hearts for our own benefit; And knows exactly when to take us out of the furnace of temptation; We should therefore, perpetually …
“Since the sufferings of those who are close to us motivate us to struggle, what about the sufferings of our Lord Jesus? Truly, His suffering and the suffering of the Apostles are a great consolation for us! My beloved, suffering accomplishes two great matters: it purifies us of our sins and grants us power as …
“Once you have set out to follow Christ’s way, do not promise yourself worldly prosperity. He walked through hard things but promised great things. Follow Him. Do not think too much about the way but more about the goal ahead of you. You will have to put up with tough conditions on your journey through …
“Accordingly, I beseech you, let us so perform all our actions that we may not fail to obtain such glory as this. To obtain it is by no means difficult, if we desire it, or arduous, if we apply ourselves to it. For, “If we endure, we shall also reign.” What is the meaning of …