Tag: donotfear

“Whatever hardship comes upon you, it may be overcome through silence.” — Abba Poemen #beofgoodcheer #donotfear #tribulation #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #advent #nativityfast

“Whatever hardship comes upon you, it may be overcome through silence.” — Abba Poemen #beofgoodcheer #donotfear #tribulation #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #advent #nativityfast

“For the grace of God would not be grace in any way unless it were gracious in every way.”-St Augustine #orthodox #grace #copticorthodox #donotfear #orthodoxy #dailyreadings #coptic

“For the grace of God would not be grace in any way unless it were gracious in every way.”-St Augustine #orthodox #grace #copticorthodox #donotfear #orthodoxy #dailyreadings #coptic

“by do not fear, he means that they must believe that certainly and without doubt their heavenly Father will give the means of life to those who love him.. He will not neglect his own.. Rather he will open his hand to them — the hand which ever fills the universe with goodness..” – St. Cyril of Alexandria#donotfear #yourFathersgoodpleasure #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“by do not fear, he means that they must believe that certainly and without doubt their heavenly Father will give the means of life to those who love him.. He will not neglect his own.. Rather he will open his hand to them — the hand which ever fills the universe with goodness..” – St. …