“Many blessings such as health, shelter, clothing and food you have, yet you never give thanks because you consider them normal matters and take them for granted. But those that are deprived of them are aware of and feel the values of such blessings and if they obtain them, they give a heartfelt thanks. Always …
“Let vanity be unknown among you. Let simplicity and harmony and a guileless attitude weld the community together. Let each remind himself that he is not only subordinate to the brother at his side, but to all. If he knows this, he will truly be a disciple of Christ.” – St. Gregory of Nyssa #firstshallbelast …
“So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:33 . “Beloved Ones, contemplate on the power of repentance, and what it did. It transformed an infidel slave who was a murderer, adulterer and robber into a great Father, teacher, comforter, and priest who wrote rules for …