Each evangelist has placed the blessings of poverty first, for it is the first in order, and the purest, as it were, of the virtues; for he who has despised the world shall reap an eternal reward. Now can any one obtain the reward of the heavenly kingdom who, overcome by the desires of the …
“Therefore, the Cross must be clearly seen in the Church, so our church also becomes bearing the Cross of our Lord; the Cross of service and missionary; the Cross of partaking of our Lord’s passions and glory; the Cross of loving EVERYONE and abhorring the world, a cross from which the aroma of love, blessing and peace spreads to …
If you doubt God’s care ask the earth, the heaven, the sun, and the moon; ask the dumb creatures and the plants… ask the rocks, the mountains, the sand dunes, and hills; ask the day and night. God’s care is much more clear than the sun and its rays. Everywhere, in the wilderness and the …
Whenever there are trials there is God the deliverer. There is divine help which gives comfort and salvation. Scripture didn’t only say, “many are the afflictions of the righteous” but straight after, but “the Lord delivers him out of them all.” And it did not only say, “in this world you will have tribulation” but …
“Do not worry and despair if you feel the weight of your previous sins, because Christ’s mercy is boundless. Even if your sin is great, yet Christ’s mercy is even greater. With His grace the sinner is justified, and the bondsman is released. But know for sure that the faith in Christ is what equips …