Faith imparts man with an amazing courage; a courage that knows neither fear nor doubt, that acknowledges neither obstacle nor difficulty; that has no fear whatsoever – H.H Pope Shenouda lll . . #faith #doubt #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #holybible #orthodoxy
Hope always draws the soul from the beauty which is seen to what is beyond, always kindles the desire for the hidden through what is constantly perceived – St Gregory of Nyssa . . #commemoration of #stgregoryofnyssa #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox #hope
“Great are you, O Lord, and exceedingly worthy of praise; your power is beyond measure, and your wisdom beyond reckoning.” – St. Augustine #spirit #power #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #copticorthodox
“If you have something above your daily needs, give it to the poor, and then go with boldness to offer your prayers, that is, to converse with God as a son with his Father. Nothing can bring the heart so near to God as almsgiving, and nothing brings such serenity to the mind as voluntary …
“The sacrifice through Him, the hope in Him, and the promises through Him are much better, not because the former ones were less, but because the new ones are different in nature than the former ones, for the One who officiates them is greater.” St Athanasius of Alexandria #bettercovenant #newcovenant #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox