Tag: dailyreadings

Let God be in your life. When you serve someone, say ‘I am serving one of God’s children, one of God’s flock, one of God’s people, one of God’s creation. It is for the sake of God that I serve him, for the sake of love that I serve him, and not because of formalities- H.H Pope Shenouda lol..#seegodinwhoyouserve #godinchildren #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox

Let God be in your life. When you serve someone, say ‘I am serving one of God’s children, one of God’s flock, one of God’s people, one of God’s creation. It is for the sake of God that I serve him, for the sake of love that I serve him, and not because of formalities- …

I would rather die and come to Jesus Christ than be king over the entire earth. Him I seek who died for us; Him I love who rose again because of us. St Ignatius of Antioch..#laydownyourlife #toHimwholaiddownHis #greatestloveofall #nativityfast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox

I would rather die and come to Jesus Christ than be king over the entire earth. Him I seek who died for us; Him I love who rose again because of us. St Ignatius of Antioch . . #laydownyourlife #toHimwholaiddownHis #greatestloveofall #nativityfast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox

“It is better for a man to be silent and be a Christian than to talk and not be one…. Men believe with the heart and confess with the mouth, the one unto righteousness, the other unto salvation. It is good to teach, if the teacher also does what he says.” – St. Ignatius of Antioch #believe #confess #webelieveconfessandglorify #believewiththeheart #confesswiththemouth #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“It is better for a man to be silent and be a Christian than to talk and not be one…. Men believe with the heart and confess with the mouth, the one unto righteousness, the other unto salvation. It is good to teach, if the teacher also does what he says.” – St. Ignatius of …

When a man strives within himself to have his heart humbled and his thought not agitated, but peaceful, then all the snares of the enemy are without effect and there resides the Lord Himself. “His place is in peace” (Psalm 75:3). – St. Seraphim of Sarov #Dailyreadings #egypt #prayforegypt #forgiveness #love #coptic #copticorthodox #martyrs

When a man strives within himself to have his heart humbled and his thought not agitated, but peaceful, then all the snares of the enemy are without effect and there resides the Lord Himself. “His place is in peace” (Psalm 75:3). – St. Seraphim of Sarov #Dailyreadings #egypt #prayforegypt #forgiveness #love #coptic #copticorthodox #martyrs

“As a spark falling into the wide sea would straightway be quenched, or would become invisible, being overwhelmed by the multitude of the waters, so also all human wickedness, when it falls into the pool of the divine fountain, is more swiftly and easily overwhelmed, and made invisible, than that spark.” St John Chrysostom #Mercy #Forgiveness #salvation #repentance #NewYear #NewBeginnings #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“As a spark falling into the wide sea would straightway be quenched, or would become invisible, being overwhelmed by the multitude of the waters, so also all human wickedness, when it falls into the pool of the divine fountain, is more swiftly and easily overwhelmed, and made invisible, than that spark.” St John Chrysostom #Mercy …