“The spring and source, then, of every sin are evil thoughts; for, unless these gained mastery, neither murders nor adulteries nor any other such thing would exist. Therefore, each person must keep his own heart with all watchfulness; for when the Lord comes in the day of judgment, “He will bring to light the hidden …
“Escape to God alone if you want to escape from Him. Escape by confessing and not by hiding. Tell Him ‘You are my shelter’ and so let the only love, which grants life, to grow inside you.” – St. Augustine . . #shelter #refuge #coptic #copticorthodox #dailyreadings #orthodoxy
Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence . – St. Augustine . . #trust #faith #mercy #coptic #dailyreadings #orthodoxy #copticorthodox
“You are filled and you are empty. Fill your empty neighbour from your fullness, so that your emptiness may be filled from God’s fullness.” – St. Augustine #lent #filled #coptic #copticorthodox #dailyreadings#communion
“This is the water that David thirsted for, just as the deer ‘pants for the water brooks’ (Ps 42:1) rather than thirsting for the poison of snakes. This is because the water granted by the grace of the Holy Spirit is living water. It purifies the inner parts of the mind and washes away every …