“We implore of you that you live as knowing that you are to render to God an account of your whole life.” – St. Augustine #pentecost #holyspirit #dailyreading #bible #coptic #copticorthodox #christianity
Feeding the hungry is greater than raising the dead. Look at how much God gave you: take from it what you need, then what remains somebody else may need it. Present to Him the dignity that He Himself seeks from you by offering your money to the poor. – St. John Chrysostom . . #dailyreadings …
When we face something we do not expect, we should not be disturbed or collapse, but should accept it from God, who knows exactly what He is doing. He is intentionally testing our hearts for our own benefit; And knows exactly when to take us out of the furnace of temptation; We should therefore, perpetually …
Whoever possesses You, will have all his needs fulfilled! How horrible is my misery! My heart tends to escape from You! From the true wealth and the true joy, to go after the world, where there is nothing but sorrow and pain! St. Augustine . . #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #holy50days
“Love the Bible and wisdom will love you.” – St. Jerome #christisrisen #copticorthodox #coptic #christianity #scriptures