There is no need for much speaking; but stretch out your hands and say, “Lord, as You wish and as You know best, have mercy on me.” And if the warfare grows fierce, say “Lord, help.” God knows what is best for us and He is merciful to us. – Macarius the Great . #TheLordWillHelpUs …
How long shall we love riches? For I shall not cease exclaiming against them: for they are the cause of everything. How long do we not get our fill of this insatiable desire? What is the good of gold? I am astonished at the thing! There is some enchantment in the business, that gold and …
I will rejoice in hearing Thee, not in speaking against Thee. Thou hast sinned, why defendest thou thyself? Thou wilt speak: suffer thou; hear, yield to divine words, lest thou be put to confusion, and be still more wounded: sin hath been committed, be it not defended: to confession let it come, not to defence. …
Read the divine Scriptures constantly. Never, indeed, let the sacred volume be out of your hand. Learn what you have to teach. Do not let your deeds contradict your words, lest when you speak in church someone may mentally reply, “Why do you not practice what you preach?”. He is a fine and dainty master …
I have quoted this passage so that I might make use of the apostle’s words to deter your free will from evil and to exhort it to what is good. Nor should you on this account glory in man, i.e., in yourselves and not in the Lord. You are not living according to the flesh …