The darkness is being turned into light. There is not, as some heretics argue, a nature so alienated that it cannot receive salvation. Those who receive salvation, the righteous, are “the light of the world.” Those who refuse, the unrighteous, are in consequence called darkness. The difference and distance between one and the other is …
God’s economy is directed toward a single end in each of these lives: our salvation and good repute. Even if it is divided in two with regard to time, it is united with regard to objective. Just as at first it is winter and then it is spring, and the passage of each season has …
“As the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also forgive one another.” – HH Pope Shenouda . #Forgiveness #UncleanSpirit #Cured #HeWillCureUs #Troubled #HolySpirit #Luke #DailyReadings #CopticOrthodox #Coptic #Orthodox
Great indeed was the faith of Abraham. For while in the case of Abel, and of Noah, and of Enoch, there was an opposition of reasonings only, and it was necessary to go beyond human reasonings; in this case it was necessary not only to go beyond human reasonings, but to manifest also something more. …
“Rejoice in the Lord, O ye rigtheous:” rejoice, O ye righteous, not in yourselves, for that is not safe; but in the Lord. “For praise is comely to the upright” : these praise the Lord, who submit themselves unto the Lord; for else they are distorted and perverse. – Saint Augustine . #Praise #Rejoice #RejoiceInTheLord …