Tag: copticorthodox

“They who seek God shall find Him, and they who find God shall praise Him.” – St. Augustine #ekheristosanesti #resurrection #easter #christisrisen #emmausdisciples #dailyreading #coptic #copticorthodox

“They who seek God shall find Him, and they who find God shall praise Him.” – St. Augustine #ekheristosanesti #resurrection #easter #christisrisen #emmausdisciples #dailyreading #coptic #copticorthodox

All the bitterness of the world is wiped away with the smallest drop of the sweetness of Christ – His Grace Bishop Angaelos . . #wedding #bridegroom #coptic #dailyreadings #pascha #holyweek #orthodoxy #orthodox #copticorthodox

All the bitterness of the world is wiped away with the smallest drop of the sweetness of Christ – His Grace Bishop Angaelos . . #wedding #bridegroom #coptic #dailyreadings #pascha #holyweek #orthodoxy #orthodox #copticorthodox