This is the grace of the Lord, and these are the Lord’s means of restoration for the children of men. For He suffered to prepare freedom from suffering for those who suffer in Him; He descended that He might raise us up; He took on Him the trial of being born that we might love …
“They who seek God shall find Him, and they who find God shall praise Him.” – St. Augustine #ekheristosanesti #resurrection #easter #christisrisen #emmausdisciples #dailyreading #coptic #copticorthodox
All the bitterness of the world is wiped away with the smallest drop of the sweetness of Christ – His Grace Bishop Angaelos . . #wedding #bridegroom #coptic #dailyreadings #pascha #holyweek #orthodoxy #orthodox #copticorthodox
The Lord did not say: “ Do not make the holy house…” but He said: “ Do not make My Father’s House….” So here He calls God His Father. They were not angered because they believed Him to be using that expression in a simplistic way and did not understand these words except after He …
“The Lord speaks about death and calls it sleep. Sleep indicates physical rest as it helps restore the energy of the body. Thus a person wakes up to start in a new day fully active and energetic. This is true as well in the case of the sleep of death; for a believer, when he …