Tag: coptic

“Gold, as paid to a mighty King; frankincense, as offered to God; myrrh, as to One who is to die for the sins of all.”St Augustine #FeastofTheNativity #Christisborn #threemagi #gifts #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“Gold, as paid to a mighty King; frankincense, as offered to God; myrrh, as to One who is to die for the sins of all.” St Augustine #FeastofTheNativity #Christisborn #threemagi #gifts #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“He who is of above dwells here on earth for the sake of our salvation, whereas man, who comes from earth is uplifted to the heavens above by means of the divine mercy.” – Origen#aSaviourIsBorn #aSaviorIsBorn #ChristtheLord #JoyToTheWorld #Nativity #Paramoun #Christmas #DailyReadings #Coptic #Orthodox

“He who is of above dwells here on earth for the sake of our salvation, whereas man, who comes from earth is uplifted to the heavens above by means of the divine mercy.” – Origen #aSaviourIsBorn #aSaviorIsBorn #ChristtheLord #JoyToTheWorld #Nativity #Paramoun #Christmas #DailyReadings #Coptic #Orthodox

“The more we contemplate about the Cross, the greater our unity with and the deeper our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ becomes.”~ Father Pishoy Kamel #copticorthodox #churchfathers #coptic #dailyreadings #faith #orthodox #orthodoxy #cross #sonsofgod

“The more we contemplate about the Cross, the greater our unity with and the deeper our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ becomes.”~ Father Pishoy Kamel #copticorthodox #churchfathers #coptic #dailyreadings #faith #orthodox #orthodoxy #cross #sonsofgod

Let God be in your life. When you serve someone, say ‘I am serving one of God’s children, one of God’s flock, one of God’s people, one of God’s creation. It is for the sake of God that I serve him, for the sake of love that I serve him, and not because of formalities- H.H Pope Shenouda lol..#seegodinwhoyouserve #godinchildren #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox

Let God be in your life. When you serve someone, say ‘I am serving one of God’s children, one of God’s flock, one of God’s people, one of God’s creation. It is for the sake of God that I serve him, for the sake of love that I serve him, and not because of formalities- …