“Love is the passport with which man passes through all the heavenly doors without obstacle.” – St. John Chrysostom . “The greater the love that dwells in a man, the greater the man in whom it dwells.” – St. Augustine #love #lovecoversamultitudeofsins #loveoneanother #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“And now, should you come unto the desert of Egypt, you will see this desert become better than any paradise, and ten thousand choirs of angels in human forms, and nations of martyrs, and companies of virgins, and all the devil’s tyranny put down, while Christ’s kingdom shines forth in its brightness.” St John Chrysostom …
Nothing will happen to you other than what God wills so fear not you are in His hands- H.H Pope Kyrillos . . #trust #unknownpath #knownbyGod #inHishands #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox
St Macarius the Great- A brother once came to St Macarius and said to him, “Master, speak some word of exhortation to me, that, obeying it, I may be saved.” St. Macarius answered him, “Go to the tombs and attack the dead with insults.” The brother wondered at the word. Nevertheless he went, as he …
“These six months are the difference between his age and the corporal age of the Lord Christ, according to what the archangel Gabriel said in his annunciation to the Holy Virgin of the Holy conception: “Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth …