“We need to sit beside the One and only teacher, Christ. We must adhere to Him continuously and never separate. He is our LORD who knows well how to guide our footsteps toward life without end….For, it befits us, thus, to rise to the heavenly divine dwellings and proceed toward the Church of the first …
When you pluck a flower, it keeps its smell; and when it is crushed or cut in pieces, it smells even more. In the same manner, when the Lord Jesus was hung on the Cross, He did not fail when bruised nor weaken when being torn. When pierced with the spear, He became more handsome …
From Adam’s side came the bearer of corruption, but from Christ’s side came life. Death blossomed in paradise but was slain on the Cross. The Son of God shares our nature so we can share His; as He has us in Him, so we have Him in us. – St John Chrysostom . . #copticorthodox …
“You stay awake looking after me as if you have forgotten all the creation. You grant me all your gifts as if I’m the only one you love. O God wherever I go I find you in front of me.” – St. Augustine #lent #dailyreading #coptic #copticorthodox
“If you have lost hope in yourself, the Lord has not lost hope in your salvation. He has saved many and you are not more difficult than all of them. When grace works in you, there is no room for despair. Enter into repentance with a courageous heart and do not belittle yourself.” Pope Shenouda …