“The Will is like a brass wall between man and God. It is like a stumbling stone by which we go against and oppose the Will of God”. Abba Poemen. . . . . . “Therefore eternal and divine things are to be followed, and all things must be done after the will of God, …
“After partaking of the Eucharist, our bodies are no longer corruptible, having the hope of eternal resurrection.” – St. Irenaeus #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #eucharist #holycommunion
“If you loved your brethren, there would be none occasion of stumbling in you. Hear the Psalm, what it says: Great peace have they that love Your law, and there is to them none occasion of stumbling. Great peace it says there is for them that love the law of God, and that is why …
Let us enter into the race for the sake of the reward on the heavenly work. Let us run to acquire. But what shall we acquire? What is the reward? What is the crown? It so seems to me that what we wish for is nothing but the Lord Himself; He is the Judge of …
You have released us, O Lord, from the fear of death. You have made the end of life here on earth a beginning of true life for us – Saint Macrina . . #lifeinchrist #heiseternallife #heaven #eternity #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #coptic #orthodox #holy50 #holy50days