“The whole of your life does not equate to a twinkling of an eye if compared to eternity which has no end. What is the whole of your life on earth but a preparation and readiness for that eternity, the life of immortality? It is for you then to be convinced of the importance of …
“My beloved let us reflect on whose children we are. Let us walk worthy of being children to such a Great Father. See how He lowered Himself to become our Father! We have our Father in heaven, so let us heed to abide worthy of such an adoption so we may get the inheritance.” St. …
When a king founds a city, if it is attacked by bandits from the carelessness of its citizens, he certainly does not neglect it, but avenges and reclaims it, for the sake of his own honor. How much more did God the Word of the all-good Father refuse to let humans, his work, go to …
If you pray well, you will live well – St Augustine . . #coptic #orthodoxy #holy50 #copticorthodox
“You stay awake looking after me as if you have forgotten all the creation. You grant me all your gifts as if I’m the only one you love. O God wherever I go I find you in front of me.” – St. Augustine #childrenofgod #dailyreadings #godslove #coptic #copticorthodox