Faith is a clear vision of things, and complete assurance of unseen things – St. John Chrysostom . . #faithcandoanything #faith #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #coptic #orthodox #holy50 #resurrection
“The devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices. He’s terrified when we’re humble and truly love God. He runs away when we sign the Cross.” ~ St. Anthony the Great #martyrs #dailyreading #cross #faith #coptic #copticorthodox #church #christ
“and while the disciples were smarting with the anxieties of fear He bids them take to themselves the terrible power of faith. For thus are we safe, and not otherwise, according surely to the song of the Psalmist: The Lord is my illumination and my saviour; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the shield …
“There are then three means whereby we shall reach the Divine courts that are above and enter the Church of the firstborn; namely, by practice in virtue of every kind, by faith in rightness of doctrine, and by hope of life to come. Is there any one else than our Lord Jesus the Christ, who …
“In the house of God, in the Church of Christ, men dwell with one mind, and continue in concord and simplicity.” St Cyprian of Carthage #Unity #OneinChrist #Onechurch #EnthronementofStPopeKyrillos #HolyFifty #ChristisRisen #TrulyHeisRisen #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings