“Let me find You whom I so longingly seek. I am the sheep who wandered into the wilderness. Seek after me and bring me home again to Your fold.” – St. Jerome #coptic #copticorthodox #dailyreading #christian #myflock #gospel
“Many blessings such as health, shelter, clothing and food you have, yet you never give thanks because you consider them normal matters and take them for granted. But those that are deprived of them are aware of and feel the values of such blessings and if they obtain them, they give a heartfelt thanks. Always …
“What then? Do you command us to live for display and vain glory? Far from it…..but Let your light shine. That is, Let your virtue be great, and the fire abundant, and the light unspeakable. For when virtue is so great, it cannot lie hidden, though its pursuer shade it over ten thousand fold. Present …
“Let God be your pathfinder, and approach Him with all your trust, desire and hopes. He will never fail you if you depend on Him.” – St. Archdeacon Habib Girgis #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #coptic #orthodox #request #ask
“Does the psalmist say: ‘If the Christians become righteous, and listen to my words, they will not suffer tribulations?’ … No, that is not his promise; but actually, the wicked may suffer less tribulations; while the righteous may suffer more of them. But the former, passing through less tribulations, or no tribulation at all, will …