Catch, then, O catch the transient hour; improve each moment as it flies! -St. Jerome . . #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox #timeflies #thelifeoftheworldtocome #heaven #prayer
“Let every man be profitable to you so that you may be good to everyone. Persevere in your work. Be ever more obedient to God and He will save you.” – St. Pachomious #harvest #christian #coptic #copticorthodox
“The girding of our loins signifies the readiness of the mind to work hard in every thing praiseworthy. Those who apply themselves to bodily labours and are engaged in strenuous toil have their loins girded. The lamp apparently represents the wakefulness of the mind and intellectual cheerfulness. We say that the human mind is awake …
“Let God be your pathfinder, and approach Him with all your trust, desire and hopes. He will never fail you if you depend on Him.” – St. Archdeacon Habib Girgis #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #prayer #prayerlife