Our foundation was set before the world was established, according to the words of the apostle Paul, saying: “No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid” (11); As it is also written: “He gave birth to me before the fountains of water, and the mountains, before He creates the depths, and all …
“There is something in humility which strangely exalts the heart.” – St. Augustine #christianity #copticorthodox #coptic #dailyreading #humility
“If we seek God, he will show himself to us, and if we keep him, he will remain close to us.” – Abba Arsenius #copticorthodox #coptic #dailyreading #christianity #seekchrist
“Do not fear the harshness of a situation, however difficult it seems, for God has many ways of solving it. For God is Omnipotent. Wisdom is to look at matters with the eyes of God, for He is the One who permitted it, and He is able to take it away if He wills.” . …
“If the devils find a man who was insulted or has lost something, and this man isn’t annoyed or feels sad but bears and endures in patience, they feel terrified of him. This is because they become sure that this man walks in God’s way.” – St. Macarius the Great #copticorthodox #coptic #orthodox #faith #dailyreading …