As all that is in the world, are not enough to satisfy the soul, or to provide her with true pleasure, why then would you labor, O foolish man, and wander around in many places, expecting to find goods that would satisfy your soul and body? You should rather seek the One, who has all …
Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness… Prayer is a refuge for those who are shaken, an anchor for those tossed by waves, a walking stick for the infirm, a treasure house for the poor, a stronghold for the rich, …
Whom else do the faithful peoples serve and the princes of the church worship but Christ, in whose name they also receive their salvation? The Word has predicted all this through Isaiah by saying, My servants shall be called by a new name, which will be blessed on the earth; for they shall bless the …
“Make the effort to rise from the ground. Remember the good Shepherd who will follow and rescue you… Remember the mercies of God and how He cures you by pouring on oil and wine. Do not despair of salvation. Recall your memory of how it is written in the Scriptures, that he who has fallen rises, …
Nothing brings the heart back to wisdom like sorrow; and nothing is sweeter than the pious sorrow. – St Gregory of Nyssa . . #godlysorrow #repent #forgiveness #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #lent