Numerous are the waves, and great the tossing of the sea, but we have no fear of going down, for we stand upon a rock. Let the oceans rage as it will, it is powerless to break the rock. Let the waves roll, they cannot shrink the bark of Jesus- St John Chrysostom . . …
Read the divine Scriptures constantly. Never, indeed, let the sacred volume be out of your hand. Learn what you have to teach. Do not let your deeds contradict your words, lest when you speak in church someone may mentally reply, “Why do you not practice what you preach?”. He is a fine and dainty master …
“The Holy Spirit He calls the Comforter, a name taken from His office, which is not only to relieve the sorrows of the faithful, but to fill them with unspeakable joy. Everlasting gladness is in those hearts, in which the Spirit dwells.” St Augustine #FeastofPentecost #HolySpirit #TheComforter #TheHelper #SpiritofTruth #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“The greater the love of God that the saints possess, the more they endure all things for Him.” – St. Augustine of Hippo #love #lovebelieves #loveendures #lovehopes #lovebears #ChristIsRisen #TrulyHeIsRisen #Holy50 #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Christ refers to His family, that He will prefer the church that believed in Him more than the Jews from whom Christ came according to the body.” – St. Ambrose #beadoeroftheword #familyofChrist #ChristIsRisen #TrulyHeIsRisen #holy50 #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox