How long shall we love riches? For I shall not cease exclaiming against them: for they are the cause of everything. How long do we not get our fill of this insatiable desire? What is the good of gold? I am astonished at the thing! There is some enchantment in the business, that gold and …
“God has created all people spiritually equal. Every person has the same propensity for good and evil. Every peson has the same choice, as to whether to obey God or to defy Him. Yet in other ways, we are very unequal. Some people are highly intelligent, while others have feeble intellects. Some people are physically …
Be sure, my brethren, the enemies have no power over the believers, unless as much as is useful to them in their being tested and tempted… When the Lord Jesus urged His martyrs to be patient, He promised them to make their bodies obtain absolute perfection in the future without any loss at all. I …
Do not say ‘I am hated, and that is why I do not love’ for this is why you ought to love most – St John Chrysostom . . #loveyourenemies #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #overcomeevilwithgood
“Live in hope, and wait on the Lord, and rejoice in Him and in His works.” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #rejoice #rejoicealways #joy #joyful #ApostlesFast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox