“Before mercy, the doors of the heavens are open in a great guarantee. As a queen she goes in, and none of the guards dare ask her who she is, but everyone welcomes her at once. Likewise is the state of mercy. For real, she is a real queen that makes humans like God. It …
“Whoever would truly be a follower of God must break the bonds of attachment to this life. This is done through complete separation from and forgetfulness of old habits. It is impossible for us to achieve our goal of pleasing God unless we snatch ourselves away from fleshly ties and worldly society. We are then …
“Rejoice in the Lord, O ye rigtheous:” rejoice, O ye righteous, not in yourselves, for that is not safe; but in the Lord. “For praise is comely to the upright” : these praise the Lord, who submit themselves unto the Lord; for else they are distorted and perverse. – Saint Augustine . #Praise #Rejoice #RejoiceInTheLord …
“There would be no need for sermons if our lives were shining; there would be no need for words if we bore witness with our deeds; there would be no more pagans if we were true Christians.” St John Chrysostom #StsCosmas&Damian #HolyUnmercenaries #preachwithyourlife #actsoflove #actsofmercy #ApostlesFast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Love is the passport with which man passes through all the heavenly doors without obstacle.” St John Chrysostom #Love #loveoneanother #ApostlesFast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox