“Just as painters in working from models constantly gaze at their exemplar and thus strive to transfer the expression of the original to their own artistry, so too he who is anxious to make himself perfect in all the kinds of virtue must gaze upon the lives of the saints as upon statues, so to …
“But perchance sin overtakes us from our mortal life: what shall be done then? What? Shall there be now despair? Hear: And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and He is the propitiator for our sins. He then is the advocate; do your endeavor not to …
If you are weak it indicates that you aren’t in fellowship with the Holy Spirit who dwells in you. I am not saying your weakness is an indication that the Holy Spirit isn’t working in you. Nay, for the Holy Spirit is working, but the importance lies in your response. Do you work with Him? …
And even if the demons are strong as mighty mountains, they are burned up by prayer, like wax by fire. – St. Macarius the Great . . #prayer #bewatchfulforyourenemy #dailyreadings #coptic #bevigilant
Great indeed was the faith of Abraham. For while in the case of Abel, and of Noah, and of Enoch, there was an opposition of reasonings only, and it was necessary to go beyond human reasonings; in this case it was necessary not only to go beyond human reasonings, but to manifest also something more. …