Tag: coptic

“It is not he who begins well who is perfect. It is he who ends well who is approved in God’s sight.” Saint Basil #firstwillbelast #lastwillbefirst #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“It is not he who begins well who is perfect. It is he who ends well who is approved in God’s sight.” Saint Basil #firstwillbelast #lastwillbefirst #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“Your best servant is the one who is less intent on hearing from you what accords with his own will and more on embracing with his will what he has heard from you.” – St Augustine #UnderstandWhatTheWillOfTheLordIs #EmbraceHisWill #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“Your best servant is the one who is less intent on hearing from you what accords with his own will and more on embracing with his will what he has heard from you.” – St Augustine #UnderstandWhatTheWillOfTheLordIs #EmbraceHisWill #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox