Tag: coptic

“The Christian prays while he walks, while he talks, while he rests, while he works or reads: and, when he meditates alone in the secret retreat of his own soul, and calls upon the Father with groans that are no less real because they are unspoken, the Father never fails to answer and draw near to him.” St. Clement of Alexandria #prayer #calluponGod #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“The Christian prays while he walks, while he talks, while he rests, while he works or reads: and, when he meditates alone in the secret retreat of his own soul, and calls upon the Father with groans that are no less real because they are unspoken, the Father never fails to answer and draw near …

It is good that you say that you love God. But your love for Him manifests in your labour for His sake… and He will reward you for the love and for the labour. – Pope Shenouda lll . . #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #labourinlove #lovemanifestedinworks #lovinggodinman

It is good that you say that you love God. But your love for Him manifests in your labour for His sake… and He will reward you for the love and for the labour. – Pope Shenouda lll . . #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #labourinlove #lovemanifestedinworks #lovinggodinman

“Carrying the Cross is a daily invitation. The Cross O Lord, was inside Your heart since the beginning, before You carried it on Your back. The Cross represents Your love and sacrifice.” #carryyourcross #cross #dailyreading #followgod #coptic #orthodox

“Carrying the Cross is a daily invitation. The Cross O Lord, was inside Your heart since the beginning, before You carried it on Your back. The Cross represents Your love and sacrifice.” – Fr. Bishoy Kamel #carryyourcross #cross #dailyreading #followgod #coptic #orthodox

“We are presented here with the chief tax-collector; so, who of us would ever despair of himself, after obtaining grace after a deceitful life?” St Ambrose #Zacchaeus #salvation #Jesuscameforussinners #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“We are presented here with the chief tax-collector; so, who of us would ever despair of himself, after obtaining grace after a deceitful life?” St Ambrose #Zacchaeus #salvation #Jesuscameforussinners #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox