“God of life, turn our eyes to where the skies are full of promises” – St. Augustine . . #prayer #Hisearsareopen #Heiswatching #Heislistening #Godspromises #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #holybible #orthodoxy #copticorthodox
Those who have learned to sing with the psalms are easily filled with the Holy Spirit. St John Chrysostom . . #Rejoice #praisehim #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy
“Constant prayer makes the inner self attentive to the presence of God.” – St. Bemwa #watch #pray #dailyreading #coptic #orthodox
“Give me O Lord, that I believe in You with full faith. Give me that I love and have confidence in You in everything, and to believe that You do me benevolence even if the world is dark in front of me. Let me feel that my mind is much smaller than what is required …
A person whose life is firmly established in the Lord, enjoys His companionship and His love. He keeps God in his heart, while he himself dwells in God’s heart. – Pope Shenouda . #DrawNearToGod #ReturnToGod #CopticOrthodox #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings